Earn Union Points

  • A union member can earn union points by spinning and completing daily missions. The higher bet, the faster to ear union points.
  • Every member has an individual chest, and earns points to upgrade the personal chest only.
  • Union members do NOT share chest progress with each other.

Activate Union Key

  • Union members' points will be summed up on the progress bar to activate the Union Key.
  • When the union key progress is full, the key will be activated for all union members to open the personal chest at the beginning of the next week.
  • If a union fails to activate the key at the end of the week, all members will NOT be able to open the personal chest for the rewards in it.

Claim Union Rewards

  • The weekly union rewards will be issued one hour later from the time when the last week's mission progress is reset.
  • Union rewards consist of two parts: 1) basic coins reward from the personal union points, 2) prizes in the personal chest.
  • If a union activates the union key, members can open the personal chest to claim individual chest prizes with the basic reward.
  • If a union fails to activate the key, all members can NOT use the key to open the chest, but only claim the basic reward according to personal union points.