👭 Friends
👫 How to invite friends and get FREE GIFTS?
Step 1. Get into the game and find your INBOX.Step 2. Open INBOX and find INVITE icon.Step 3. Get into INVITE ...
How Can You Connect and Manage Friends in Jackpot World?
In Jackpot World, you can interact with friends by exchanging stamps, sending coins, and sharing mysterious gift boxes. Having more friends ...
How do I exchange stamps with my friends?
1. Open your inbox, go to the SEND page, and select the friend you want to send stamps to.2. You'll see a coin and stamp icon next to your f...
Why does my friends invitation progress bar for the rewards not update?
If you find that after inviting friends, your reward progress bar does not update and no new friends appear in your friend list, we suggest ...
How to Block a Friend?
To block a friend, follow these steps:1. Click the Friends option in the lobby.2. Select the friend you want to block and click the Block ic...
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