We love to hear feedback from our players.
If you'd like to leave us a rating & review on Google Play or the App Store, please see the following instructions.
Android / Google Play:
- Go to the settings gear located on the upper-right of the Cash Frenzy screen. On the following menu, click on the "Rate Us" button.
- Select the number of stars you wish to rate Cash Frenzy. By tapping "Write a review" you can write feedback and share your detailed thoughts and opinions about the game. Tap on submit to share!
iOS / Apple Store
- Go to the settings gear located on the upper-right of the Cash Frenzy screen. On the following menu, click on the "Rate Us" button.
- Select the "Review" and then click on "Write a review"
- Select the number of stars you wish to rate Cash Frenzy; along with the option to share your detailed thoughts and opinions about the game. Tap on submit to share!
"Rate Us" Option: