If you want to transfer your account to a new device, please check the following instructions.

Facebook Connected: Transfer

If you linked your Cash Frenzy account to Facebook, then you can sign into your account with Facebook and your account will automatically convert to the new device. Please note the following:
  1. Your Cash Frenzy account will only sync to the original Facebook account that you've connected. If you've change to a new Facebook account, you will need to login using the originally linked Facebook account credentials.
  2. You may need to make sure your account is logged out prior to starting the process.

Guest Account: Transfer

If your Cash Frenzy account was Not Connected to Facebook and you wish to transfer to a new device; DATA TRANSFER function can be helpful. You can follow the following steps:
  1. Open the game on the old device and find the DATA TRANSFER entrance in the settings interface.
  2. Choose
  3. SET CODE. Set a Transfer Code.
  4. Confirm the prompt message and record the generated Temporary ID as well as your Transfer Code. They will be used to import account information on the new device.
  5. Open the game on the new device and enter the DATA TRANSFER page through settings or the icon on the top right corner of the loading page.
  6. Enter the recorded Temporary ID and the Transfer Code you set on the old device.
  7. The system will automatically retrieve the account data from the old device and import it into the new device. If the entered transfer code or temporary ID is incorrect, the system will give the corresponding prompt message.
  8. Wait for the migration to complete and confirm that the account data has been completely imported.

After you transfer successfully, you can enjoy Cash Frenzy on your new device! You can log in on to your old device at any time you want, too. But you cannot log in on to different devices at the same time.


Please note: Data Transfer cannot be undone. Please make sure your game progress on the new device is saved by logging in before the transfer. If you want to recover your account, please contact us. (How to process)