You can get Double your highest Free Spin Wins with the Free Spins Jackpot!

When you've activated the Free Spins Jackpot feature, your highest Free Spins win will be recorded, at the end of the event after the countdown timer runs out, your prize will be sent to your game inbox for collection.

Only Free Spins winnings are counted - respins, cash respins, emerald links, jackpots or bonus games are not included in this event.

Please note: the Free Spins Jackpot prize amount is limited to 2X the total number of purchased coins during the promotion period. The more coins your get the more of your prize can be claimed.

As an example (see below), the highest Free Spins recorded is 61.60T, but during the promotion period 5.6 Trillion coins were purchased - so 2 x 5.6T can be claimed from the total prize amount.