Game lag, crashing, freezing, or not properly loading may be the result of Cash Club receiving insufficient resources from your device.

We recommend referring to our general troubleshooting tips guide, however here are a few suggestions that can assist in optimizing your device resources for better gameplay stability

Please also make sure you have the latest version of Cash Club installed on your device from Google Play or the App Store.

Please Note: We cannot verify the safety of versions downloaded from unofficial sources. If you are uncertain, please download and update through Google Play or the App Store. If this situation applies to you, then you may want to take note of your Player ID Number prior to downloading or updating.

  1. Ensure you have a strong Cellular Data or WIFI connection.
  2. Check that you have plenty of available free space on your device.
  3. Close all non-essential apps that may be consuming device resources. If multiple apps are open in the background, it may cause your gameplay to lag.
  4. Try closing and restarting the App. Many performance issues are resolved through restarting.

Additionally: If issues persist you may want to try the following:

  1. Android Devices: you may want to try force stopping and restarting the app

  2. Android Devices: clearing your App Cache and restarting the App. This will remove all cached background processes that may be associated with the issue being experienced.

  3. iOS Devices: Go to iPhone Storage and find the Cash Club App. You may want to Offload App and redownload to restore your previous data.

Important Note: For Android: DO NOT CLICK "CLEAR APP DATA" without first having your account synced to Facebook. Doing so may risk losing your account information.

Important Note: For iOS: DO NOT SELECT "DELETE APP" without first having your account synced to Facebook. Doing so may risk losing your account information.

For more Troubleshooting information, please visit our FAQ guide: General Troubeshooting [Android] or General Troubleshooting [iOS]